Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Effects- The Lack of Services

Consider a pizza that is divided into 8 parts, if there are only two people who are supposed eat that pizza then they will get 4 slices each but if two of their friends arrive, they will divide it into four and they will get two slices each. Even on this simple example, we can clearly see that there is a huge connection between the number of people and the things that they receive.

Our country's population is way too high beyond the population that it can support. We all hear on our televisions that the government is increasing the national budget every year. That's because they are having a hard time in allocating insufficient funds for the services directed to the millions of Filipinos.

Poverty , under-employment, unemployment, and the lack of services can be considered as "side-effects" of a very serious problem. That problem is overpopulation.

Clogged sewers is a good example of a problem that shouldn't have been if we have enough funds to use. It is the job of the government to ensure that the areas where there is always a flood whenever it rains should be taken care of. But we cannot put the blame only to them. Its not their fault that we Filipinos do not use family planning despite the governments efforts to educate us. Many people might say that this problem is not caused by overpopulation but by corruption but I believe that everything is interconnected.

The accelerated growth of the our populations has propitiated the destruction of natural habitats of many species. People are invading the habitats of those species, replacing them to inhospitable places and condemning the native species to the extinction.

Our current agricultural production, if it were distributed evenly, would had been sufficient to feed everyone Filipino. However in the absence of other measures, simply feeding the people well would only make matters worse, natural growth will cause the population to grow to unsustainable levels. We should have the initiative to help the government in controlling our population before we complain that we are not receiving the services that they are responsible to give.

Jan Henry A. Saw

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